Finding Home

From 2007 until early 2008, I worked on a suite comprising twelve prints that explore the notion of home as it continues to evolve over our lifetime. This was progressively influenced by the gradual decline and death of my mother, emptying her home, and moving inherited belongings from Canada to my US residence. Underscored by directed and dramatic lighting, these everyday items were monumentalized but discharged of their surroundings, making their permanence questionable. Borrowing from themes in Nomadic Landscapes, Finding Home continued my search for placement through life movements grounded by images of familiar, interior, and domestic objects. French philosopher Gaston Bachelard articulates this concept beautifully in The Poetics of Space. Speaking of things that appear to have their own psychological life, he writes: “They are hybrid objects, subject objects. Like us, through us and for us, they have a quality of intimacy” (p. 78).