Departures: Masterpieces of Contemporary Canadian Printmaking, Thailand

Departures: Masterpieces of Contemporary Canadian Printmaking in Thailand

October 19–November 26, 2017

Ardel Gallery of Modern Art, ThailandDisplayed at the Ardell Gallery of Modern Art in Bangkok, Departures featured seventeen internationally recognized Canadian artists chosen for expanding the boundaries of printmaking in pursuit of their personal visions. The exhibition highlighted their work extending analog print in an era of digitization. Woodblock, mezzotint, and screen-printing techniques were further developed in magnum opus works addressing contemporary issues. The artists enlisted photomechanical and digital technologies to challenge traditional notions of printmaking as craft while positioning photography in the realm of the handmade. The hybrid images found in this exhibition speak of their search for identity within diversity. The opening was hosted by nationally celebrated artist and Silkaporn University Emeritus Professor Thavorn Kudomvit.

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