Resonance at the Shengzhi Art Center in Beijing’s 798 Art District

Tracy Templeton at CAFA

Tracy Templeton Talk at the Resonance Opening in Beijing Resonance Exhibition Participants

June 28–July 12, 2015

CAFA Beijing Liaison Jiaqui WuResonance featured the works of thirty Canadian printmaking artists at the Shengzhi Art Center in Beijing’s 798 Art District. Resonance celebrated the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and China. It was one of many cultural activities intended to underscore Canada’s commitment to the Canada–China year of people-to-people and cultural exchange. The event was held in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, and Shengzhi Art Center. Curated by cultural attaché Wu Jiaqi of Canada, Resonance created a meaningful exchange between Canadian printmakers and the Chinese art communities. Works were shown from across Canada, including some of the most important artists working in contemporary print media. Guy Langevin, whose work is part of the exhibit, and Tracy Templeton, Head of Printmaking at Indiana University, were invited speakers at the opening ceremony attended by Canadian ambassador to China Guy Saint-Jacques and a host of cultural representatives and national media.

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